Thursday, September 19, 2013

In Salzburg -- I'M SAFE!

I have arrived!

After one long flight and one quick one, I hopped on the regional train from the Eastern Munich train-station and headed to Salzburg.  The train ride was about 2 hours and stupidly beautiful.  Riding through Oberbayern and then into the Salzburger Alps was pretty terrible.  I saw things like this town (Traunstein):

& I saw the tips of these mountains, over some glorious, stereotypical rolling hills which I cannot wait to more up close:
I got into the city, easily found my hostel, checked in, wrote some emails and them opted to go for a run to induce as much fatigue as possible.  I got a little lost and about 1,000 disgruntled Austrians/European disapproved of my bare (not bear) arms, but it worked.  After a small dinner of yogurt (HELLO DAIRY! NOMNOMNOM) and a beer at the hostel's happy hour -- I chatted with my bunk mate, a base-jumper from Australia-- I passed out at 8:30 pm (here time).

Today I'm officially registerring with the city, going to see my apt., and checking out my school! I'll try to take as many photos as possible!

All 'n all I'm safe and sound (of music, bahahaha).

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